Command Line Options


  1. Introduction
  2. Possible Arguments

1. Introduction

The PLEXOS engine can be run from the command line, which allows for models, projects and solution merging to be executed without opening the PLEXOS graphical user interface.

2. Possible Arguments

Below is the help information displayed in the command line which details all possible arguments that can be passed on to the engine:

MAIN USAGE (simulation):
     PLEXOS64.EXE <filename> [\m <model name> | \p <project name> |
                              \? | \n | \t |
                              \o <output path> |
                              \x | \xf |
                              \b | \r <locale name> |
                              \l <destination file> |
                              \u | \d | \t |
                              \sp <sample from> <sample to>]

     filename                               Path and filename of the input dataset

         \?                                 Displays the help
         \m <model name>                    Execute this Model
         \p <project name>                  Execute this Project
         \n                                 Automatically close execution window
         \t                                 Termination Prevention
         \o <output path>                   Outputs the project/solution files to this directory
         \x                                 Suppress solution writing (MDB and XML/Binary format)
         \xf                                Suppress solution flat file writing
         \b                                 Build selected Data Files
         \r <locale value/name>             Global Culture format
         \l <destination file>              Writes a summary of the results (end of phase result) to a file
         \u                                 Upgrade the dataset (if required)
         \d                                 Delete input files after simulation completes
         \t                                 Termination protection - disables the CTRL-C and 'Close' functionality of the console window
         \sp <sample from> <sample to>      Executes a subset of samples for a single model which must be specified

 USAGE (solution merging):
     PLEXOS64.EXE [\s | \sa] <IsConsecutive> <source path> <destination file>

     IsConsecutive                          True/False indicating if this is a sequential (consecutive) or a parallel merge
     source path                            Path (or root path) of the solution databases
     dest. file                             Path and filename of the outputted solution database

         \s                                 Search specified path only for all solution databases
         \sa                                Search specified path and all sub folders for all solution databases

         (Note: one of the above options must be specified to use this command in 'Merge' mode.)

Please note that one or more "/m" or "/p" parameters can be specified, allowing you to execute multiple models or projects.

PLEXOS64.exe is the engine executable which exists in the install directory of PLEXOS. To use this in the command line either change your working directory to the install location or enter the full path of PLEXOS64.exe, for example "C:\...install directory...\PLEXOS64.exe".

Any arguments, such as model name, project name, output path or destination file, that might contain spaces will need to wrapped in quotations.

An example command might be:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Energy Exemplar\PLEXOS 7.3\PLEXOS64.exe" "C:\Plexos Models\Test model.xml" -m "Base model" -n -sp 5 5

Users can also do split runs in the command line using the PLEXOS Launcher executable, see article Split Run Settings.