Cournot Demand Intercept

Units: $/MWh
Mode: Input/Output
Multi-band: False
Default Value: 0
Validation Rule: ≥0
Key Property: No
Description: Demand function vertical intercept

This is the demand function intercept for use in Nash-Cournot game.


The demand function is linear function with intercept in units of price (e.g. $/MWh). The higher the intercept relative to the Demand Slope, the less elastic the demand function.


Cournot Property Value Units
A Demand Intercept 250 $/MWh
A Demand Slope -0.02 $/MWh/MWh

As an output this is the demand function intercept used in the Nash-Cournot game. If defined as input this is simply a repeat of that input, otherwise it is the intercept computed based on the Elasticity assumed.