CIM Data


  1. Introduction
    1. Overview
    2. Terms, Definitions and Acronyms
  2. Technical Approach
    1. Importing Data
    2. Importer Notes
    3. Exporting Data
    4. Exporter Notes
  3. Supported Data
  4. Advanced Configuration and CIM Tool Configuration
    1. Simple Mapping
    2. Advanced Mapping
  5. Assumptions

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview

The capability to import and export standard CIM RDF/XML (IEC CIM version 16 / 17) files exists within the software. The "Using Import/Export" articles describe how to operate the import/export functionality, whereas this article has been written to provide a more technical overview of how the CIM data is being handled. CIM data files hold detailed information for electric power transmission and distribution systems, so the aim of this article is to capture the high level requirements, design details and limitations of the CIM PLEXOS tool.

The tool has two core modules, which are:

1.2. Terms, Definitions and Acronyms

The following are terms and/or acronyms that are relevant to this document.

Abbreviation Description
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
CIM Common Information Model
RDF Resource Description Framework
XML Xtensible Markup Language

2. Technical Approach

2.1. Importing Data

The following points list the actions of the importer:

2.2. Importer Notes

The following points highlight important features of the Import tool:

2.3. Exporting Data

The following points list the actions of the exporter:

2.4. Exporter Notes

The following points highlight aspects of the Export tool:

3. Supported Data

Currently, the CIM importer has been designed to target and address the transmission data. However, this is customizable by modifying the "mapping" json file, which will be described in more detail below in the advanced section (see below).

The key data that is supported are described here, in a simplified mapping table:

PLEXOS Object PLEXOS Property CIM Object CIM Field
Node - TopologicalNode -
Line - ACLineSegment -



Line - Line -
Line - Switch -
Region - GeographicalRegion -
Zone - SubGeographicalRegion -
Transformer - PowerTransformer -
Generator - HydroGeneratingUnit -
Generator - NuclearGeneratingUnit -
Generator - WindGeneratingUnit -
Generator - ThermalGeneratingUnit -
Generator - GenerationUnit -

Fixed Load

Heat Rate

Initial Generation

Max Ramp Down


Max Capacity

Min Down Time

Min Stable Level

Marginal Loss Factor

Max Ramp Up

Start Cost

Start Cost Time

UoS Charge
Purchaser - EnergyConsumer -

The table above lists the object and property mappings, but does not indicate that the relevant memberships are also created. For example, the line objects will of course be connected to the appropriate nodes, so these memberships are handled as expected.

4. Advanced Configuration and CIM Tool Configuration

The CIM PLEXOS importer/exporter has pre-defined mappings, which are defined in the cimplexos-mappings.json file, located in the installation folder of PLEXOS.

The mapping is largely converted into the following sections:

  1. PrintOrder : Used to control in which order Classes should be written.
  2. Mappings: Contains mappings between CIM and PLEXOS.
    1. cim: CIM Class name
    2. plexos: PLEXOS Class name
    3. importHandler: Any special processing that needs to be done during importing
    4. exportHandler: Any special processing that needs to be done during export
    5. import and export: Flags to control if certain classes should be imported or exported.
    6. printOrder: Order in which PLEXOS elements should be printed.
  3. Fields: List of field mappings between cim and PLEXOS.
    1. importHandler: Any special processing to be done for this field.


  1. The Name and ID/Guids are created in the code. Do not define these fields in the mappings;
  2. Some classes are created inside the code, for example: Terminals, PowerTransformerEnd;
  3. If a new mapping is added, please make sure it is added to printOrder;
  4. The print order is important, due to the internal importing mechanism used. This is actually based on the XML importer, therefore it required the classes/fields in the order defined by the XML schema file.

4.1. Simple Mapping

The following snippet provides an example of a straight forward CIM->PLEXOS mapping, e.g. Region.

    "printOrder": ["Generator","Purchaser","Region","Zone","Node","Line","Transformer"],
          "cim": "GeographicalRegion",
          "plexos": "Region",
          "import": true,
          "export": true,

In this example, a single geographical region is defined, but no other properties. Therefore this is classed as a simple class mapping.

4.2. Advanced Mapping

The following snippet provides an example of a more advanced mapping of the object and properties, e.g. Generator.

    "printOrder": ["Generator","Purchaser","Region","Zone","Node","Line","Transformer"],
         "cim": "GeneratingUnit",
         "plexos": "Generator",
         "importHandler": "cimplexos.handler.import.GeneratingUnitHandler",
         "exportHandler": "cimplexos.handler.export.GeneratingUnitHandler",
         "import": true,
         "export": true,
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.baseP", "plexos":"Fixed Load"},
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.efficiency", "plexos":"Heat Rate"},         
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.initialP", "plexos":"Initial Generation"},    
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.lowerRampRate", "plexos":"Max Ramp Down"},                            
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.maxEconomicP", "plexos":"Rating"},
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.maxOperatingP", "plexos":"Max Capacity"}, 
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.minimumOffTime", "plexos":"Min Down Time"}, 
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.minOperatingP", "plexos":"Min Stable Level"}, 
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.penaltyFactor", "plexos":"Marginal Loss Factor"}, 
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.raiseRampRate", "plexos":"Max Ramp Up"}, 
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.startupCost", "plexos":"Start Cost"},            
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.startupTime", "plexos":"Start Cost Time"},        
            {  "cim":"GeneratingUnit.variableCost", "plexos":">UoS Charge"}

This example show the mapping for a generator object, however this has to use a custom "import/export handler", as there is a need to manipulate and generate additional import information. This also details a number of fields, which are directly converted into the PLEXOS equivalent.

5. Assumptions

The following assumptions and constraints are applicable to this tool: