Battery Capacity Degradation

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Degradation in capacity with age in number of cycles

Battery Capacity Degradation is the degree to which battery capacity degrades with increasing numbers of cycles.

No degradation will occur within a single step. The cycles accumulated in each step result in degradation for following steps.


Property Value Units
End Effects Method Recycle -
Units 1 -
Capacity 129 MWh
Max Power 100 MW
Initial SoC 75 %
Charge Efficiency 90 %
Discharge Efficiency 100 %
Initial Age 100 cycles
Capacity Degradation 0.043 %

In this example the Battery is initially 100 cycles old and degrades at a rate of 0.043% per cycle meaning that its initial degraded state is 95.7% and it will continue to degrade over the course of the simulation horizon as it accumulates cycles.

See also: