Battery Offer Price Scalar

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Scalar applied to the [Offer Price] property

Battery Offer Price Scalar is a scaling factor that can be applied to the Offer Price property.


Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File
Offer Base 0 MW 1 Day-ahead Generation
Offer Quantity 0 MW 1 Day-ahead Generation
Offer Quantity 55.6 MW 2
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1 Day-ahead SRMC
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 2 Day-ahead SRMC
Offer Quantity Scalar -1 - 1
Offer Price Scalar 0.9 - 1
Offer Price Scalar 1.1 - 2

In the above example the battery forms a two-band balancing offer with a base determined by a day-ahead solution read from a Data File. To convert day-ahead Generation which is a non-negative number into a decrement offer band, which is a negative number, the Offer Quantity Scalar is set to negative one for band one. Offer Price Scalar is then used to create two price bands, one just below and one just above the day-ahead short-run marginal cost of the battery.

See also: