Battery Nodes Distribution Factor

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:Between -1 And 1
Key Property:No
Description:Proportion of battery charge and discharge at the node

Battery Nodes Distribution Factor is the proportion of battery charge and discharge at the node. This property enables the charging and discharging of a battery to be split across multiple nodes. The charging and discharging of a battery is proportioned symmetrically. For example, a distribution factor of 0.5 at a node implies that half of the charging and half of the discharging absorbs/injects through that node. Distribution factor can be used to model a battery object which connects to multiple different locations.

All distribution factors for a battery object should sum to 1 to reflect the conservation of energy.


Battery Node Property Value Units
Batt1 A220kV Distribution Factor 0.9 -
Batt1 A110kV Distribution Factor 0.1 -

See also: