Commodity Unit

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Description:Unit the Commodity is measured in

Commodity Unit allows you to select between a wide range of in-built units (listed below) or to leave the Commodity unit-less (default). Setting the Unit is useful for two reasons:

  1. When a Process converts a Commodity to another Commodity the conversion factor will be automatic where possible, avoiding you having to set Process Primary Input Conversion Factor. Most energy units can be converted automatically e.g. megajoule to kilowatt-hour. Where the Commodity Unit is not an energy unit you may define the Energy Density so that the Commodity can be converted to/from energy automatically.
  2. The user-interface will display the selected Unit in the "Units" column of the property grid.

The following units are in-built:

Commodity Unit Type Name Base Units/Metric
m Length metre m
km Length kilometre 1E+3 m
Gkm Length gigakilometre 1E+9 m
kg Mass kilogram kg
t Mass tonne 1E+3 kg
kt Mass kilotonne 1E+6 kg
Mt Mass megatonne 1E+9 kg
Gt Mass gigatonne 1E+12 kg
ton Mass short ton 907.185⋅kg
s Time second s
min Time minute 60s
hr Time hour 3600s
day Time day 86400s
week Time day 604800s
°C Temperature degree Celsius
°F Temperature degree Fahrenheit
HDD Temperature Heating Degree Days
CDD Temperature Cooling Degree Days
m2 Area square metre m2
ha Area hectare 1E+4m2
kha Area kilohectare 1E+7m2
km2 Area square kilometre 1E+6m2
L Volume litre
kL Volume kilolitre
ML Volume megalitre
GL Volume gigalitre
m3 Volume cubic metre m3
km3 Volume cubic kilometre 1E+3 m3
CMD Volume cubic metre days 8.64E+4 m3
gal Volume US gallon 3.78541⋅L
bbl Volume 42 gallon barrel 158.987⋅L (6.12E+9J)
ft3 Volume cubic foot 0.0283168⋅m3
MCF Volume thousand cubic feet 28.3168⋅m3
MMCF Volume million cubic feet 28316.8466⋅m3
MTPA Volume million tonnes per annum 1E+9 kg
kPa Pressure kilo-pascals 1E+3⋅kg⋅m-1s-2
bar Pressure bar 1E+5⋅kg⋅m-1s-2
psi Pressure pounds per square inch 6.8947573E+3⋅kg⋅m-1⋅s-2
kW Power kilowatt 1E+3 m2⋅kg⋅s-3
MW Power megawatt 1E+6 m2⋅kg⋅s-3
GW Power gigawatt 1E+9 m2⋅kg⋅s-3
TW Power terawatt 1E+12 m2⋅kg⋅s-3
kJ Energy kilojoule 1E+3 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
MJ Energy megajoule 1E+6 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
GJ Energy gigajoule 1E+9 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
TJ Energy terrajoule 1E+12 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
PJ Energy petajoule 1E+15 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
EJ Energy exajoule 1E+18 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
kWh Energy kilowatt-hour 3.6E+6 kg⋅m2⋅s-3
MWh Energy megawatt-hour 3.6E+9 kg⋅m2⋅s-3
GWh Energy gigawatt-hour 3.6E+12 kg⋅m2⋅s-3
TWh Energy terawatt-hour 3.6E+15 kg⋅m2⋅s-3
TOE Energy tonne equivalent of oil 4.1868E+10 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
kTOE Energy thousand TOE 4.1868E+13 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
MTOE Energy million TOE 4.1868E+16 kg⋅m2⋅s-2
kcal Energy kilocalorie 4184⋅J
MMBTU Energy million BTU 1.055056E+9⋅J
BBTU Energy billion BTU 1.055056E+12⋅J
Dth Energy dekatherm 1.055056E+9⋅J
MDT Energy million dekatherms 1.055056E+15⋅J