Decision Variable Type

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3,4)
Description:Type of decision variable (continuous or integer).

Decision Variable Type sets the type for the decision variable in the mathematical programming formulation. It can take one of the following values:

Continuous (value = 0, default)
The decision variables associated with the object are continuous and may take any value between the Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
Integer (value = 1)
The decision variables are integer and can take any integer value between the Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
Binary (value = 2)
The decision variables are binary i.e. integer with bounds (0, 1). Any defined Lower Bound and Upper Bound are ignored.
Semi-continuous (value = 3)
The decision variables make take the value zero or any value in the range between the Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
Semi-integer (value = 4)
This is the same as Semi-continuous except the variables must take integer values in the range between the Lower Bound and Upper Bound.