Diagnostic Data File Read

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Output data file information to log file.

This settings toggles on/off screen and log messages during reading of external data files. The following is an example of the messages shown during file reading:

  Data File Reading Started
  File                                        Periods  Bands   Total       Min.            Max.            Avg.            Time
                                              per Day          Records     Value           Value           Value           (sec.)
  Wind.csv                                        24       1       17472   2.501173E-001   2.594395E+001   7.699687E+000      0.18
  Solar.csv                                       24       1       17472   0.000000E+000   9.107708E-001   1.788237E-001      0.09
  Hydro.csv                                       24       1        2912   0.000000E+000   6.371620E+003   7.668100E+002      0.01
  Load.csv                                        24       1       17472   7.640000E+002   1.998000E+003   1.293608E+003      0.01
  TOTAL                                                            55328   0.000000E+000   6.371620E+003   4.513542E+002      0.33
  Data File Reading Completed. Time: 00:00:00.3