Facility Maintenance Frequency

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Frequency of maintenance outages in an annual time frame

Facility Maintenance Frequency sets the number of maintenance events that will occur of the given type each year. This is usually for scheduling large surveys or overhauls rather than more regular, smaller maintenance events.

Table 1: Maintenance Frequency Example
Property Value Units Band Date From
Maintenance Frequency 1 - 1 1/01/2006
Maintenance Frequency 0 - 1 1/01/2007
Maintenance Frequency 1 - 1 1/01/2009
Maintenance Frequency 0 - 1 1/01/2010
Mean Time to Repair 300 hrs 1

In this example a major survey of 300 hours must be taken every three years (in 2006 and 2009).

Different types of maintenance can be modeled by separating the outage types by band number as in the examples in the Maintenance Rate topic.