Facility Start Window

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:Flag if start is allowed in the given time period

Facility Start Window is a flag indicating whether a start is allowed in the given time period. This might represent workforce, environmental or other constraints that dictate when the plant can start.

Table 1: Example of Start Window for an Ammonia facility
Child Object Property Value Units
NH3.Plant Min Operating Level Global Yes -
NH3.Plant Expansion Optimality Integer -
NH3.Plant Units 0 -
NH3.Plant Max Operating Level 32000 kg
NH3.Plant Min Operating Factor 50 %
NH3.Plant Start Window No Yes/No
NH3.Plant Start Window Yes Yes/No
NH3.Plant Min Up Time 8 h
NH3.Plant Min Down Time 24 h
NH3.Plant Max Ramp Up Factor 20 %
NH3.Plant Max Ramp Down Factor 20 %
NH3.Plant FO&M Charge 10000000 $
NH3.Plant Build Cost 200000000 $
NH3.Plant WACC 8 %
NH3.Plant Economic Life 30 yr
NH3.Plant Max Units Built 1 -

For the example in Table 1, the plant can only start in hour 9 each day.

Note that restricting the start window can improve the solution time of hard unit commitment problems be eliminating alternative solutions.