Flow Control Angle Points

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Flow control angle points

Flow Control Angle Points is used to define multi-band Flow Control Angles with Flow Control Flow Loading Points. A piece-wise linear curve can be defined with those two properties, given a fixed angle-flow function. The Angle Points is always decreasing with increasing Flow Loading Points, because of the operating principles.


Property Value Units Band
Angle Points 2 degrees 1
Flow Loading Points 0 % 1
Angle Points 1.8 degrees 2
Flow Loading Points 30 - 2
Angle Points 0.8 degrees 3
Flow Loading Points 80 - 3

Properties shown in above table will define a piece-wise linear angle-flow curve as below:

Figure 1: Flow Control angle points with line flow loading

See also: