Fuel Energy Density

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Description:Energy per unit of the fuel

Fuel Energy Density works with Unit to determine the heat value of the Fuel so that inputs such as Price, Max Offtake, etc can be converted to energy equivalent values. See Commodity Energy Density for details and the Unit topic for examples.

Note that you do not need to set the Energy Density for the following Units:

Unit Energy Density (MJ)
bbl 6118
GJ 1000
TJ 1000000
PJ 1000000000
EJ 1000000000000
TOE 41868
kTOE 41868000
MTOE 41868000000
kcal 4.148E-6
MMBTU 1055.0558526
BBTU 1055055.8526
Dth 1055.0558526
MDT 1055055852.6