Gas Contract Expansion Optimality

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Expansion planning integerization scheme.

Gas Contract Expansion Optimality determines whether to expand the contract using Linear or Integer build decisions. Specifying this property overrides the LT Plan Integerization Horizon settings for the contract.

If Expansion Optimality is set to Integer, the contract must expand all the way up to the Expansion Quantity Day property or not expand at all. If discrete build points are specified using the multi-band option for Expansion Quantity Day, Expansion Optimality should be set to Linear. If Expansion Optimality is set to Linear, the contract can expand to any value up to the Expansion Quantity Day property. When a contract expands to only a percentage of its Expansion Quantity Day, the Reservation Cost of the contract is also scaled down by that percentage.