Gas Contract Quantity

Units:1000ยท~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial)
Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:Yes
Description:Gas contract quantity

Gas Contract Quantity is the quantity of gas specified in the contract to be supplied at a particular price. It is maximum amount of gas that a contract can produce daily. A contract can produce less than this, but not more. When running with intervals less than 24 hours, the constraints scale down (i.e., when running with hourly intervals and a Quantity Day of 24 TJ, the contract will only be able to produce up to 1 TJ each hour, even if the contract doesn't produce any gas in other hours of the day).

When the gas contract is an expansion candidate, the original Quantity property may be overwritten by the results of expansion based on the Quantity Day.