Gas Demand Demand

Units:1000ยท~ (Metric), ~ (U.S. Imperial)
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Demand for gas

Gas Demand Demand is the quantity of gas demanded in each simulation interval. This is a multi-band property, where the various bands can be used to separate the input of different customer demands. The demand used in the simulation is the sum across all defined bands.

Demand is distributed to the associated Gas Nodes according to the Demand Participation Factor.


Gas Demand Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File Memo
ADELAIDE Demand 0 TJ 2 Gas Demand (TJ).csv

Here the gas demand is read from an external text file in two bands.

NOTE: This input is a quantity of gas demanded in each simulation interval, not a per hour rate. For simulation with Horizon Periods per Day other than 24, the quantities should be set appropriately.