Gas Node Report Marginal Resources

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:If marginal resources are reported for the gas node in the solution

Gas Node Report Marginal Resources is the switch for reporting marginal resources for the gas node in the solution. When activated, an advanced simplex solve is done in the solver after the LP is solved to determine which resources would respond to a slight adjustment to the gas demand at the node. Memberships will be dynamically created between the gas node and all marginal resources (gas contracts, gas fields, gas storages, etc.) in that simulation. The solution will report which resources are marginal each period in those memberships. In most cases there will only be a single marginal resource for a given gas node and time period, but there can be more than one. A percentage value will be reported for each marginal resource. For multi-sample simulations, reporting will be done for all samples, even if individual samples are not reported in general.

Note that by default this will only be reported for the last non-PASA phase. If the MT Schedule hidden parameter AlwaysAllowMarginalResourceReporting is set to True, then the MT phase will also be allowed to report the marginal resources even if the ST Schedule is also enabled. Similarly, if the LT Plan hidden parameter AlwaysAllowMarginalResourceReporting is set to True, then the LT Plan will also be allowed to report the marginal resources even if the MT Schedule or ST Schedule is enabled. This reporting is only available when using Gurobi, CPLEX, or MOSEK.