Gas Pipeline Expansion Optimality

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Expansion planning integerization scheme.

Gas Pipeline Expansion Optimality controls the integerization of build/retire decisions in LT Plan. If discrete build points are specified using the multi-band option for Expansion Max Flow Day, Expansion Optimality should be set to Linear. This flag is only applicable when the LT Plan Optimality is Integer. When LT Plan Optimality is Linear then all builds are linear. It can take the following values:

Linear (value = 0)
Build/retire decisions are allowed to be linear (faster but can result in partial build/retire outcomes).
Integer (value = 2)
Build/retire decisions are strictly integer (only 0 or 1 units will be built).

NOTE: The option Optimality controls the linear/integer decision at the global level. You can also choose to integerize only part of the horizon using the switch Integerization Horizon.