Gas Pipeline Recycle Penalty

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Penalty for violating the recycling constraint.

Gas Pipeline Recycle Penalty is the penalty for violating the intrinsic recycling constraint created when Gas Pipeline End Effects Method = "Recycle". The recycling constraint is of the form:

End Volume t = Initial Volume1


End Volumet is the 'recycle period', which is selected as the closest period to the opposite end of the day from the start of the simulation step. For example in a simulation with daily steps where Day Beginning = "6:00 AM", Periods per Day = 48 and the step size is 30 hours, t = 48 since this would be 5:30 AM, the interval immediately before the start of the next day.

The default value of -1 means "hard constraint" i.e. no violations are allowed. A value of zero means the recycling constraint can be violated at no cost.