Gas Storage Use Additive Ratchet

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:If additive ratchet use is enforced.

Gas Storage Use Additive Ratchet determines how ratchet inputs are defined. When this is set to Yes, the injection and withdrawal ratchet inputs for volume and rate in each band are specified in an additive manner. Otherwise the values are cumulative.


The "Use Additive Ratchet" field determines whether the multi-band ratchet inputs are cumulative (No) or incremental (Yes). This is both for injection and withdrawal ratchets.

The following examples are for both injection and withdrawal, each of which have equivalent additive and non-additive versions. These examples assume the Gas Storage Ratchet Type is "Step".


The following two sets of inputs are equivalent, and can be interpreted this way:

Use Additive Ratchet = Yes
Use Additive Ratchet = No



The following two sets of inputs are equivalent, and can be interpreted this way:

Use Additive Ratchet = Yes
Use Additive Ratchet = No