Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
x | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
y | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
z | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Abatement Cost - $ | Abatement Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of emission abatement |
Back Zone Flow - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Back Zone Flow - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas pipeline flow in backward direction |
Cost - $ | Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of gas demand |
Costs of Gas Delivered - $ | Costs of Gas Delivered - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Equal to Total System Cost – Net Injection Cost + Net Withdrawal Cost {Please note that withdrawal and injection fuel is subtracted to get the net} |
Demand - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Demand - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas demand |
Emission Cost - $ | Emission Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost from production of emissions |
End Volume - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | End Volume - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | End volume in gas storage |
Excess - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Excess - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Excess of gas supply |
Excess Cost - $ | Excess Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of gas excesses |
Excess Hours - h | Excess Hours - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours of excess supply of gas |
Exports - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Exports - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Exports on gas pipelines |
Forward Zone Flow - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Forward Zone Flow - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas pipeline flow in forward direction |
Gas Contract Total Reservation Costs - $ | Gas Contract Total Reservation Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total reservation costs for gas contracts |
Gas Field Total Variable Costs - $ | Gas Field Total Variable Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total variable costs for gas fields |
Gas Pipeline Total Reservation Costs - $ | Gas Pipeline Total Reservation Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total reservation costs for gas pipelines |
Gas Pipeline Total Variable Costs - $ | Gas Pipeline Total Variable Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total variable costs for gas pipelines |
Gas Storage Total Reservation Costs - $ | Gas Storage Total Reservation Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total reservation costs for gas storages |
Gas Storage Total Variable Costs - $ | Gas Storage Total Variable Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total variable costs for gas storages |
Gas Supply Total Commodity Costs - $ | Gas Supply Total Commodity Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total supply commodity costs |
Gas Transport Total Variable Costs - $ | Gas Transport Total Variable Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total variable costs for gas transport |
Generator Offtake - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Generator Offtake - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generator Offtake from Gas Nodes in Gas Zone |
Grand Total Cost - $ | Grand Total Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Equal to Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Costs (Total Variable Cost Includes penalty costs) |
Imports - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Imports - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Imports on gas pipelines |
Initial Volume - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Initial Volume - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Initial volume in gas storage |
Injection - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Injection - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas injected into the gas storages in the zone |
Net Demand - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Net Demand - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas demand net of shortages and excesses |
Net Injection - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Net Injection - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas injected into the gas storages in the zone after injection fuel loss |
Net Injection Cost - $ | Net Injection Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Summation of gas storage net injection cost |
Net Interchange - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Net Interchange - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net exports on gas pipelines |
Net Total Cost - $ | Net Total Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Equal to Grand Total Cost – Total Market Revenue |
Net Variable Cost - $ | Net Variable Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Equal to Total Variable Cost – Total Market Revenue |
Net Withdrawal - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Net Withdrawal - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas withdrawn from the storages in the zone after withdrawal fuel loss |
Net Withdrawal Cost - $ | Net Withdrawal Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Summation of gas storage net withdrawal cost |
Net Zone Flow - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Net Zone Flow - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net Quantity of gas pipeline flow (forward-backward) |
Peak Served Zone Demand - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Peak Served Zone Demand - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas Peak Served Demand in gas zone |
Price - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Price - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Average of the gas prices across all gas nodes in the Gas Zone |
Price Paid - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Price Paid - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price paid for gas demand |
Production - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas produced by the gas fields |
Shortage - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Shortage - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Shortage of gas supply |
Shortage Cost - $ | Shortage Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of gas supply shortages |
Shortage Hours - h | Shortage Hours - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours of shortage in gas supply |
Total Fixed Costs - $ | Total Fixed Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total fixed costs for gas in entire model, including FOM and reservation costs |
Total System Cost - $ | Total System Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Equal to Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost – Total Penalty Cost {Excludes penalty costs} |
Total Variable Costs - $ | Total Variable Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Equal to Total Gas Purchase Cost + Total Penalty Cost. |
Weighted Average Cost - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Weighted Average Cost - $/GJ (Metric), $/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Average cost for gas in entire model |
Withdrawal - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Withdrawal - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial) | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Quantity of gas withdrawn from the storages in the zone |
x | x | Pass-through | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
y | y | Pass-through | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
z | z | Pass-through | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |