Nonlinear Constraint Index

Nonlinear Constraint Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Constant Term-False0FalseConstant Term
Max Tranches-False10≥0FalseNumber of tranches to be used for piece-wise linear approximation
Polynomial Coefficients-True0FalseCoefficients defining the polynomial
Sense-False0In (-1,0,1)FalseConstraint sense (≤,=,≥)
x-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
y-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
z-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution

Nonlinear Constraint Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Function Value Function Value-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseValue of the input function at the current X value
x xPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
X Value X Value-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseSolution value for the x variable
y yPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
Y Value Y Value-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseSolution value for the y variable
z zPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution