Water Plant Index

Water Plant Attributes

NameUnitsDefault ValueValidation RuleDescription

Water Plant Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Aux Basem³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0≥0FalseAuxiliary use per unit committed
Aux Fixedm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0≥0FalseFixed auxiliary usage per installed unit
Aux Incr%False0Between 0 And 100FalseAuxiliary use per unit of generation
Build Cost$000True0FalseCost of developing the Water Plant
Build Non-anticipativity$/MWFalse-1FalsePrice for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode
Capacity Price$/m³/day/yr (Metric), $/gal./day/yr (U.S. Imperial)False0FalsePrice received by the plant for capacity
Economic LifeyrFalse30≥0FalseEconomic life of the Water Plant (period over which fixed costs are recovered).
Energy UsagekWh/m³ (Metric), kWh/gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseEnergy consumption of Water Plant
Expansion Optimality-False0In (0,2)FalseExpansion planning integerization scheme.
FO&M Charge$000False0FalseAnnual fixed operation and maintenance charge
Forced Outage Rate%True0Between 0 And 100FalseExpected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to forced outage
Heat UsageGJ/m³ (Metric), MMBtu/gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseHeat consumption of Water Plant
Heat Usage IncrGJ/m³ (Metric), MMBtu/gal. (U.S. Imperial)True1FalseFirst-order polynomial term in unit fuel use function (marginal heat rate)
Integerization HorizonyrFalse-1≥-1FalseNumber of years over which the expansion decisions are integerized
Lead TimeyrFalse0≥0FalseNumber of years after which the expansion project can begin
Load Pointm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0≥0FalseLoad point for use with multi-point heat rate
Maintenance Frequency-True0≥0FalseFrequency of maintenance outages in an annual time frame
Maintenance Rate%True0Between 0 And 100FalseExpected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to maintenance
Max Capacitym³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0≥0FalseMaximum production of Water Plant
Max Down TimehFalse0FalseMaximum number of hours a unit can be off after being shut down for water plants
Max Time To RepairhTrue0≥0FalseMaximum time to repair
Max Units Built-False0≥0FalseMaximum number of units automatically constructed in aggregate over the planning horizon
Max Units Built in Year-False1≥0FalseMaximum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon
Max Units Retired-False0≥0FalseMaximum number of units automatically retired in aggregate over the planning horizon
Max Units Retired in Year-False1≥0FalseMaximum number of units automatically retired in any single year of the planning horizon
Max Up TimehFalse0FalseMaximum number of hours a unit can be run after being started for water plants
Mean Time to RepairhTrue24≥0FalseMean time to repair
Min Down TimehFalse0FalseMinimum number of hours a unit must be off after being shut down for water plants
Min Stable Productionm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0≥0FalseMinimum production level
Min Time To RepairhTrue0≥0FalseMinimum time to repair
Min Units Built-False0≥0FalseMinimum number of units automatically constructed in aggregate over the planning horizon
Min Units Built in Year-False0≥0FalseMinimum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon
Min Units Retired-False0≥0FalseMinimum number of units automatically retired in aggregate over the planning horizon
Min Units Retired in Year-False0≥0FalseMinimum number of units automatically retired in any single year of the planning horizon
Min Up TimehFalse0FalseMinimum number of hours a unit must run after being started for water plants
Outage Max Productionm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)True0FalsePlant Max Production during the outage
Project Start Date-False36526≥0FalseStart date of Water Plant project, for expansion planning.
Ratingm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseRated capacity of units
Rating Factor%False100≥0FalseMaximum dispatchable capacity of each unit expressed as a percentage of [Max Capacity]
Repair Time Distribution-True-1In (-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)FalseDistribution used to generate repair times (Auto,Constant,Uniform,Triangular,Exponential,Weibull,Lognormal,SEV,LEV)
Repair Time Scale-True0FalseRepair time function scale parameter (for exponential,Weibull,lognormal,SEV,LEV)
Repair Time Shape-True0FalseRepair time function shape parameter (for Weibull,lognormal)
Retail Electric Price$/MWhFalse0FalseRetail price of electric power used by the water plant
Retire Non-anticipativity$/MWFalse-1FalsePrice for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode
Retirement Cost$000False0FalseCost of retiring the Water Plant
Technical LifeyrFalse1E+30≥0FalseTechnical lifetime of the Water Plant
Units-False1≥0TrueNumber of Water Plant units in service
Units Out-True0≥0FalseNumber of units out of service
VO&M Charge$/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)True0FalseVariable operations and maintenance costs of the Water Plant
WACC%False10≥0FalseWeighted average cost of capital
Water Yield%False100Between 0 And 100FalseYield rate of water for the Water Plant
x-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
y-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
z-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution

Water Plant Maintenances Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Outage Max Productionm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseMax Production during the outage

Water Plant Constraints Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Build Cost Coefficient$False0FalseCoefficient of total build cost
Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built to date
Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built in the year
Capacity Built Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of capacity built
Capacity Factor Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of Water Plant capacity factor
Capacity Retired Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of capacity retired
Energy Usage CoefficientkWh/m³ (Metric), kWh/gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of energy usage of the Water Plant
Installed Capacity Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of installed capacity
Production Coefficientm³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Plant Production
Units Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built
Units Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built in the year
Units Operating Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient on the number of units operating
Units Retired Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired
Units Retired in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired in the year

Water Plant Objectives Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Build Cost Coefficient$False0FalseCoefficient of total build cost
Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built to date
Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient on binary variable indicating if any capacity is built in the year
Capacity Built Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of capacity built
Capacity Factor Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of Water Plant capacity factor
Capacity Retired Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of capacity retired
Energy Usage CoefficientkWh/m³ (Metric), kWh/gal. (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of energy usage of the Water Plant
Installed Capacity Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of installed capacity
Operating Hours CoefficienthFalse0FalseCoefficient of number of hours of operation
Production Coefficientm³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)False0FalseCoefficient of Water Plant Production
Units Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built
Units Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built in the year
Units Retired Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired
Units Retired in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired in the year

Water Plant Decision Variables Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Energy Usage Definition CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of the Decision Variable in the Water Plant Energy Usage definition equation

Water Plant Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Auxiliary Use - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Auxiliary Use - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseAuxiliary use
Build Cost - $000Build Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseCost of developing the Water Plant
Capacity Built - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Capacity Built - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)ExpansionLT PlanFalseWater plant capacity Built
Capacity Curtailed - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Capacity Curtailed - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseAmount of non-positive-priced production curtailed
Capacity Factor - %Capacity Factor - %ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of installed or rated capacity producing
Capacity Price - $/m³/day/yr (Metric), $/gal./day/yr (U.S. Imperial)Capacity Price - $/m³/day/yr (Metric), $/gal./day/yr (U.S. Imperial)ExpansionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalsePrice received by the plant for capacity
Capacity Retired - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Capacity Retired - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)ExpansionLT PlanFalseWater plant capacity Retired
Capacity Revenue - $Capacity Revenue - $000ExpansionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseRevenue from capacity payments
Curtailment Factor - %Curtailment Factor - %ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of non-positive-priced generation curtailed
Electric Load - MWElectric Load - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseThe part of the [Energy Consumption] met by electric
Energy Consumption - MWEnergy Consumption - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseThe total electric and heat consumption of the Water Plant
Fixed Costs - $Fixed Costs - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseTotal fixed costs including amortized build costs
FO&M Cost - $FO&M Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFixed operation and maintenance cost
Forced Outage - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Forced Outage - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCapacity of Production on Forced Outage
Forced Outage Hours - hForced Outage Hours - hReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the Water plant is on forced outage of Production
Heat Load - GJ (Metric), MMBtu (U.S. Imperial)Heat Load - TJ (Metric), BBtu (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseThe part of the [Energy Consumption] met by heat
Hours Down - hHours Down - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours since the last shutdown of a water plant
Hours Up - hHours Up - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours since the last start of a water plant
Maintenance - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Maintenance - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ReliabilityLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCapacity of Production on maintenance
Maintenance Hours - hMaintenance Hours - hReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the Water plant is on maintenance
Production - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Production - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseQuantity of water produced by the water plant
Production Cost - $Production Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseWater production cost
Raw Water - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Raw Water - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseQuantity of raw water input to the water plant
Retirement Cost - $000Retirement Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseCost of retiring the water plant
Service Factor - %Service Factor - %ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of plant capacity available in production
SRMC - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)SRMC - $/m³ (Metric), $/gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShort-run marginal cost of water production
Units UnitsProductionLT PlanFalseNumber of Water Plant units in service
Units Built Units BuiltExpansionLT PlanFalseNumber of water plant units built
Units Operating Units OperatingProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of water plant units operating
Units Out ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of units out of service
Units Retired Units RetiredExpansionLT PlanFalseNumber of water plant units retired
Units Shutdown Units ShutdownProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of heat plant units shut down
Units Started Units StartedProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of water plant units started
VO&M Cost - $VO&M Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseVariable operations and maintenance cost
Water Availability - m³/day (Metric), gal./day (U.S. Imperial)Water Availability - m³ (Metric), gal. (U.S. Imperial)ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseAvailability of water
x xPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
y yPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
z zPass-throughLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution