Line Max Rating

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Rated maximum (overrides Max Flow)

The optional Line properties Max Rating and Min Rating are usually used to de-rate a transmission line periodically.


Line Property Value Units Timeslice
MEL-SYD-220kV Max Flow 400 MW
MEL-SYD-220kV Max Rating 380 MW SUMMER
MEL-SYD-220kV Min Rating -340 MW SUMMER
MEL-SYD-220kV Max Rating 400 MW WINTER
MEL-SYD-220kV Min Rating -390 MW WINTER

Note that Min Rating defaults to the negative of Max Rating if it is not defined.

Note further it is very important that, if Max Rating is defined 'at all' that you provide a value for every period, otherwise the Max Rating for the 'missing' periods will be zero.