Load Is Scalable

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Key Property:No
Description:Indicates if the load is scalable or flat load.

There are two methods to specify the loads at a node using Load.

The IsScalable property lets the user select the method that should be applied for specifying each load. If the IsScalable property of a load is set to Yes, then the first method is used to calculate the load value. Else, the load specified in the Load property is used.

The following example demonstrates how the IsScalable property works. Let a company (Company_1) serve one customer (Load_1), and another company (Company_2) serve two customers (Load_2, Load_3) at node Node_1. Let the total load served by Company_1 and Company_2 be equal to 500 MW and 600 MW, respectively.

Company Property Value Datafile Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice
Company_1 Load 500 MW 1
Company_2 Load 600 MW 1
Load Property Value Datafile Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice
Load_1 IsScalable No - 1
Load_1 Load 100 - 1
Load_1 Load Participation Factor 1 - 1
Load_2 IsScalable Yes - 1
Load_2 Load 300 - 1
Load_2 Load Participation Factor 0.6 - 1
Load_3 IsScalable Yes - 1
Load_3 Load 400 - 1
Load_3 Load Participation Factor 0.4 - 1
Since, Load_1 is not scalable, the value of Load_1 considered at Node_1 will be 100 MW. Load_2, and Load_3 are scalable loads. Hence, the values of these loads at node Node_1 are equal to their Load Participation Factor * (Total load of Company_2), i.e., Load_2 = 0.6*600 MW = 360 MW, and Load_3 = 0.4*600 MW = 240 MW.