Message 210

Severity:Moderate (value = 3)
Default Action:Warn (value = 1)
Description:Problem is infeasible. Solution status = <value>.

Message 210 occurs whenever the mathematical programming solver detects that a problem is infeasible and the automatic Feasibility Repair algorithm is invoked.

By default this message is not raised, and an error only results if the feasibility repair fails.

The total number of infeasibilities is reported at the end of the simulation as in the following log file extract:

           ST Schedule Completed. Time: 0:00:05.526
 Minimization Objective Function:
     Linear Relaxation:..........................................................................                             N/A
     Integer Optimal:............................................................................               4.0800000000e+005
     Infeasibilities:............................................................................                               2


Infeasibilities may indicate problems in your data, or issues with the formulation. Diagnostics are available by enabling the Diagnostic Infeasibilities setting. Contact support if you require help on diagnosing infeasibilities.

See also: