Market Is Marginal

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:Flag if the market sets price on a marginal price basis; rather than block-by-block settlement.

Market Is Marginal controls how the price is calculated for use in settlements e.g. computing Revenue and Cost. It can take the following values:

True (value = -1, default)
All trades are be settled at the marginal price in the market i.e. all sales are priced at the price received by the last unit sold, and vice versa for purchases.
False (value = 0)
Settlement is computed on a volume-weighted basis i.e. each unit sold/purchased receives its unit price according to the market demand curve.

The latter (false) setting is suitable for waste heat, fuel, and capacity markets whereas the marginal setting is suitable for energy and ancillary services markets.

Table 1: Is Marginal Example
Market Property Value Units
Energy Is Marginal -1 -
Spin Up Is Marginal -1 -
Waste Heat Is Marginal 0 -