Units: | MW |
Mode: | Input Only |
Multi-band: | False |
Default Value: | 1E+30 |
Validation Rule: | ≥0 |
Key Property: | No |
Description: | Maximum power flow through the Node |
Node Rating is the maximum power flow through the Node where the flow is defined as:
\begin{equation} \text{Flow} = \href{Node.Load.html}{\text{Load}} + \sum_{i \in \href{Line.NodeFrom.html}{\text{Exporting Lines}}} \href{Main.Line.html}{\text{Line}}_{i} \times \href{Line.Flow.html}{\text{Flow Forward}} + \sum_{i \in \href{Line.NodeTo.html}{\text{Importing Lines}}} \href{Main.Line.html}{\text{Line}}_{i} \times \href{Line.FlowBack.html}{\text{Flow Back}} - \href{Node.UnservedEnergy.html}{\text{Unserved Energy}} + \href{Node.PurchaserLoad.html}{\text{Purchaser Load}} + \sum_{i \in \href{Market.Nodes.html}{\text{Markets}}} \href{Main.Market.html}{\text{Market}} \href{Market.Sales.html}{\text{Sales}} \end{equation}The transmission loss is not included in the current bus rating calculation.
See also: