Performance Carry over MIP Time

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If unused MIP Max Time is carried over to the next MIP solve allowing more time on harder problems

Performance Carry over MIP Time toggles on/off the carry over of any spare time allowance between mixed integer programming (MIP) solves.  This applies only when MIP Max Time is set. When a MIP is solved the solver will be given a time limit according to that setting.  If the solver completes inside the time limit the 'surplus' time is recorded. If Carry over MIP Time is 'on' this surplus time  will be added to the time limit allowed for the next MIP solve. Setting this will allow more time to be spent on harder problems and may improve the overall solution produced, at the cost of a longer overall run time.

Note that the total time allowed including carry over can be limited with the MIP Max Time with Carry over setting.