Production Unit Commitment Heat Rate Detail

Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If modeling fully detailed heat rates for unit commitment. Otherwise perform a two-pass UC/ED.

Production Unit Commitment Heat Rate Detail toggles on/off co-optimization of detailed heat rate functions and unit commitment.  When 'on' (default) the detailed multi-point heat rate functions and any integers associated with non-convex heat rate functions are optimized simultaneously with unit commitment. When 'off' the heat rates are simplified to the average value at maximum output during an initial optimization pass to determine the unit commitment. That unit commitment solution (integer on/off and start/stop decisions) is then frozen and then fully detailed heat rate functions reinstated for a second-pass to compute the optimal dispatch.

Turning off this option generally results in faster solution times for UC/ED problems without significantly compromising solution quality. Note however turning off this option will trigger two passes for the UC/ED rather than one, which in some cases might be slower. You should confirm that the solution is of acceptable quality by comparing model runs with and without the option unchecked.