Purchaser Bid Quantity

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Quantity bid in band

Purchaser Bid Quantity sets the megawatt part of the demand bid (demand step function). The quantities are incremental by default meaning that the total bid is the sum of all bid quantities. You may change to cumulative style of input, where the bid quantity is the total amount at each point by setting the Offer Quantity Format attribute.

Example (using incremental format):

Purchaser Property Value Units Band
Load Bid Quantity 7000 MW 1
Load Bid Quantity 400 MW 2
Load Bid Quantity 100 MW 3
Load Bid Quantity 120 MW 4
Load Bid Quantity 30 MW 5
Load Bid Price 10000 $/MWh 1
Load Bid Price 9900 $/MWh 2
Load Bid Price 8500 $/MWh 3
Load Bid Price 5000 $/MWh 4
Load Bid Price 1000 $/MWh 5

Example (using cumulative format):

Purchaser Property Value Units Band
Load Bid Quantity 0 MW 1
Load Bid Quantity 7000 MW 2
Load Bid Quantity 7400 MW 3
Load Bid Quantity 7500 MW 4
Load Bid Quantity 7620 MW 5
Load Bid Quantity 7650 MW 6
Load Bid Price 10000 $/MWh 1
Load Bid Price 9900 $/MWh 2
Load Bid Price 8500 $/MWh 3
Load Bid Price 5000 $/MWh 4
Load Bid Price 1000 $/MWh 5