Region Elasticity

Units:$/MWh2 (Metric), $/MWh/MWh (U.S. Imperial)
Mode:Input Only
Default Value:-0.2
Validation Rule:<0
Key Property:No
Description:Price elasticity of demand

Region Elasticity is the price elasticity of demand (η) for use in the Equilibrium Model = "Nash-Cournot". This Region property overrides the Default Elasticity.


In the following example η is variable by hour of the week according to the Timeslice definitions.

Region Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice
1 Elasticity -0.4 $/MWh/MWh 1 WEEKDAY OFF-PEAK
1 Elasticity -0.2 $/MWh/MWh 1 WEEKDAY PEAK
1 Elasticity -0.4 $/MWh/MWh 1 WEEKEND

See also: