Region Include in Uplift

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:If uplift is allowed in the period

Region Include in Uplift is a dynamic property that allows you to control which periods of time Uplift is allowed. By default all periods can have Uplift. By limiting the periods of uplift you are not changing the quantum of costs recovered but rather just the periods over which those costs must be recovered i.e. the less hours uplift is allowed the higher the uplift will be on average in those hours.


In the following example uplift is allowed only in the "PEAK" periods.

Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice
Include in Uplift 0 - 1 OFF-PEAK
Include in Uplift -1 - 1 PEAK

Note: This property is only applicable to the SEM Uplift