Region Solution Detail

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (1,2,3)
Key Property:No
Description:Solution detail to be used for the region

Region Solution Detail is a setting that allows varying level of transmission and unit commitment details by region based on importance of a region to the study. This is particularly useful in nodal studies with large footprint, e.g. Eastern Interconnect in US. SCUC regions are of primary interest. SCED regions are only of interest from a power-flow standpoint. Static regions which are far removed from the main area of interest but may have some impact on the power-flow in SCED region.

For a SCUC Region (Value 1):

  1. All transmission constraints are modelled (Lines, Transformers, Interfaces and Contingencies).
  2. Integer Unit Commitment is used.

For a SCED Region (Value 2):

  1. All transmission constraints are modelled (Lines, Transformers, Interfaces and Contingencies).
  2. Linear Unit Commitment is used.

For a Static Region (Value 3):

  1. No transmission constraints are modelled.
    1. Interfaces that connect to static region (i.e. at least one of the constituent elements have an endpoint in a static region) are made inactive.
    2. Contingencies that have at least one contingent element connecting to a static region are also made inactive.