Transmission Enforce N-1 Contingencies

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If N-1 contingencies should be automatically enforced.

Transmission Enforce N-1 Contingencies toggles on/off the N-1 contingency cases for all branches. It can take the following values:

False (value = 0)
Only the user defined contingency cases will be included in SCUC.
True (value = -1)
N-1 contingency case will be formed up for each branch. All the auto added contingency cases will be included in SCUC as well as user defined cases.

Note that auto added contingency cases would monitor all the lines by default and slow down simulation speed. It is necessary to set a property voltage threshold by N-1 Contingency Voltage Threshold to reduce the case numbers.

See also the article N-1 Contingency Voltage Threshold.