Transmission PTDF Method

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3,4)
Description:Method for computation of shift factors

Transmission PTDF Method controls the method used to compute power transfer distribution factors (PTDF), or shift factors, as described in the article Optimal Power Flow Methods, and may take the following values:

Slack Bus (value = 0)
Use a single slack bus, which is identified by setting Phase Angle to zero.
Distributed Slack Based on Reference Load (value = 1)
Distribute slack around load buses by renormalizing the Load Participation Factors around a Reference Load.
Distributed Generation Based on Capacity (value = 3)
Distribute slack around generation buses according to the generation capacity at the bus.
Distributed Generation Based on Reference Generation (value = 4)
Distribute slack around generation buses according to Reference Generation.

The selection of slack bus(es) only affects the decomposition of locational marginal prices, not the absolute values. In PLEXOS the LMP components are reported in the properties Energy Charge, Congestion Charge, and Marginal Loss Charge.