Water Pipeline Energy Consumption

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Total energy consumed for pipeline utilization

Water Pipeline Energy Consumption is the electrical energy consumed by the pipeline pumps. Electricity energy is needed to maintain the flow rate within the water pipeline. This energy consumption is linked to the electricity system as a demand variable in water-electricity co-optimization models. The Hazen-Williams equation is used to obtain the electrical consumption of pumps required to maintain a given flow on a pipeline given the pipe size and frictional properties.

The Hazen-Williams equation is:

Energy consumption equation

Energy (W) = 1/Χ ρ•g•h•q h = 10.67•δ(Q/ξ)1.852 1/d4.87


Χ is the efficiency of the water pump (%) ρ is the density of water (kg/m³) which for freshwater is 1000. g is the gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s²) q is the flow rate on the pipeline (m³/s) h is the head loss of water (m) δ is the length of the pipeline (m) Q is the maximum flow rate on the pipeline (m³/s) ξ is the pipeline roughness constant, or Hazen-Williams coefficient d is the diameter of the pipeline (m)

In terms of simulation variables:

Energy Consumption (MW) = Head Loss × 9.8 / ( 0.01 • Pump Efficiency • 86400 ) × Flow / 1000


Head Loss = 10.67 Length • ( (Max Capacity / (Roughness • 86400 ))1.85 ) • ( (1 / Diameter )4.87 )


86400 is the number of seconds in a day.

Energy consumption on water pipeline is allocated to the Water Node objects at either end of the pipeline. Memberships between the Water Node and electricity node makes the connection to the electricity model, as a variable load.