Use of this optional column provides additional control over inter-month and intra-month hydro shaping. Recognized values are 0, 1, 2, 3 where:
0 = No energy shaping across month boundaries or energy shifting within months. Daily average capability will be constant for each day of the month, with a step function at the month boundary.
1 = Energy shaping across month boundaries only. Daily average capability will smooth for differences in monthly average generation only. This will provide a smooth transition across month boundaries, without changing monthly average capability. This option is probably appropriate for pure run-of-river projects whose capability will be a function of changing streamflow across a month.
2 = Only within month shaping to average daily demand. The daily hydro energy capability will be shaped proportionately to the daily average demand profile for the month.
3 = Methods 1 and 2 combined. This is the default method for any entry not equal to 0, 1, or 2, and is the method used in Aurora prior to version 8.1.1003. Across month boundary shaping is applied in combination with daily hydro energy capability shaped proportionately to the daily average demand profile for the month. This option is most appropriate for hydro projects or systems with storage capacity to allow shaping of energy generation to average daily demand across a month.
NOTE: This column cannot contain time series references.
Energy Shift Method Column