Capacity Obligation Peak Months Column (Optional)
Column Type = Text

The Capacity Obligation Peak Months column is used to activate logic that calculates the Capacity_Obligation and Capacity_Expense values for the zone.  The column accepts a comma delimited list of months, from 1 to 12.

For each year of the study, Aurora finds the peak demand hour for the pool that the zone resides in (or for the zone itself if no pools being used), and then determines the zonal demand for that hour.  For each year, this demand is multiplied by the value of (1 + [Planning Reserve Requirement] / 100), where the reserve requirement used is from the pool the zone resides in (or for the zone itself if no pools are being used).  

The resulting number is the Capacity Obligation and can be further adjusted using Capacity Obligation Scaling Factor columns.  The Capacity Expense is then calculated using the Capacity_Obligation and Capacity_Credit values.

 Input Tables

 Zone Definition Table

 Capacity Obligation Peak Months Column