Percent Committed Column
Units = Percent (%)

The average of the percentage of the unit that was committed for current hour.  This field may be between 0 and 100 if the unit was only committed at its minimum capacity.  This is field is typically 0 or 100 to represent whether or not the unit has gone through the commitment process and is currently operating at or above its minimum capacity.  Units which go through the commitment process before beginning operation are units which meet the following criteria:

If such a unit decides to output, it is considered committed, even if it has already run for its minimum up time.

The average percentage of time the unit was committed.  This is only non-zero for must run and commitment units, meaning those which have a minimum capacity that must be enforced.  In the hourly report, this field will be generally be either 0 or 100, however if a unit uses Linear Commitment it may be partially committed at any level.

 Memory Tables

 Hour Resource Table

 Percent Committed Column