Use this form to schedule recurring project runs or to run multiple projects. The use of the project scheduler form is unique to the open instance of Aurora and the scheduler file loaded. This means that different projects/schedules can be run simultaneously in different instances of Aurora.
Features and use of the form are described below.
The Schedule dropdown gives options to manage Aurora Scheduler Files (.xsf).
The Project Scheduler toolbar provides access to the following actions.
The Project Schedule section is used to select projects and scripts and to edit the schedule.
Column Descriptions
Hover your cursor over this icon to move the record up or down in the list. When multiple projects are run using the Run All Project button they will execute in the order (top to bottom) on the list.
The status symbol will appear as: project is scheduled - or - project is not scheduled. Even if the project is enabled, it will remain unscheduled if any information is missing or if the schedule date occurs in the past. |
Turns the schedule for the project on or off.
Select the host service on which to run the project.
Identifies the project file (.apz) to be run by the scheduler. The files will appear in the following colors: blue - valid project is enabled and scheduled to run. gray - valid project, but not enabled. Project will not be run. red - invalid project file path/name.
Starting ScriptStarting Script
Start/Run ProjectStart/Run Project Immediately runs the project on that record. If another study is currently running, the project will not run until that one finishes.
Deletes the project record form the schedule form. |
The Active and Completed Instances section shows the currently running instances on the Aurora Host and their status.
The icon in the first column indicates the state of the running instance. - No project is loaded - Projected loading/loaded - Instance is running - Instance - Simulation has been paused by the user - Simulation has been stopped by the user - Simulation has completed - Simulation has completed; there were warnings during the run - Project error
This field identifies the host used for that record by the scheduler. |
This field identifies the project file (.apz) currently loaded in the instance by the scheduler.
This field show the current progress of the run if it is in the middle of a simulation. It also indicates whether or not the instance is initializing, idle, running a script, or if an error has occurred. |
Status Messages Status Messages Use this button to view the status window from the run.
Pause/Resume Instance Pause/Resume Instance This button will pause a running instance on the Host or resume an instance that has been paused. |
Stop and Close Instance Stop and Close Instance This button will tell the Host to stop running a project and issue a close command to shut down the instance.
Terminate Instance Terminate Instance This button will force the Host to immediately close the open instance. Any unsaved data will be lost. |
The Queued Instances section shows the projects that have been loaded into the queue.
Hover the cursor over this symbol to move the record up or down in the list. When multiple projects are run using the Run All Project button they will be added to the queue in order (top to bottom) from the schedule list.
This field identifies the order in which the scheduled projects have entered the queue. (They will enter the queue in the order defined above in the schedule section.) |
This field show the date and time the project was loaded into the queue.
Remove From Queue Remove From Queue This button will remove the project from the queue. |
The Hosts section allow users to configure multiple host services and schedule and monitor projects across them. Users with a large number of projects and/or machines can make better use of their existing infrastructure by utilizing automation across various hosts.
For example, a machine that has 8 cores, but only 4GB of RAM should have maximum instances set no higher than 2. On the other hand, a machine with 8 cores, but 32GB of RAM could have a maximum of 7 instances.
The following information highlights situations that may require additional consideration.
Files on Networks
In environments where projects are located on network shares, several additional settings must take place for the Host service to operate correctly. First, enable the Use UNC paths when selecting files via the File menu > Options form. Secondly, the Host must be set to run under an account that a) has access to the network share where the files are located and b) has the proper permissions to access the files/folders for the Host and can create new ports via the Net.TCP Port Sharing service.
The quickest solution would be to create a domain account in the Windows Active Directory domain that has both Administrative privileges on the local machine as well as read/write access to the specific network shares. After the account is created, the Host service must be set to run as this new account (via Log On As under the Service Properties window).
See the Project Scheduler FAQ for additional information.
Productivity Tools
For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.
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