Commodity Delivery

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Amount of the Commodity added to inventory

Commodity Delivery is the amount of the Commodity added to inventory in each period from an external source. This can be either a rate of 'inflow' to the inventory (when Commodity Unit Type = "Rate") or set quantities (Commodity Unit Type = "Quantity"). In the latter case the delivery appears each simulation period and so the total delivered over a set time period scales up/down with the Horizon Periods per Day. For example, if Delivery = 10 and the interval length is one hour then the total delivery in a day would be 240 regardless of the Unit Type setting, but if the interval length is 24 hours the total delivery would be 240 for the "Rate" setting and 10 for the "Quantity" setting.


Commodity Delivery is the amount of the Commodity added to inventory in each period from an external source as defined in input.

See also: