Constraint Wildcard Mode

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Controls whether or not the Constraint is copied when it is associated with a wildcard membership.

Constraint Wildcard Mode is Controls whether or not the Constraint is copied when it is associated with a wildcard membership.

Value 0 - Do Not Copy

Constraints are not copied to each new object, instead a single constraint is split across the new objects. E.g. If we have a generation coefficient = 100MW on one generator and four new copies are made, the sum total of generation for the new generators will be 100MW

Value 1 - Auto

Whether a constraint is copied or split is decided internally, the decision is based on what other objects are attached to the constraint.

Value 2 - Copy

Copy regardless of other memberships. Using our example above, when this property is set to Copy, the four new generators will each have a generation coefficient constraint = 100MW

For further reading on wildcard memberships see: