Emission Generators Production Rate

Units:kg/MWh (Metric), lb/MWh (U.S. Imperial)
Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Emissions produced per MWh of generation

Emission Generators Production Rate defines the rate of emission production as a function of the megawatt Generation. This on top of emissions defined via the Generator Fuels membership and Fuel Production Rate.

Production Rate is useful for emissions such as "NOx" that are best expressed as a function of both Fuel Offtake and Generation.


Generator Property Value Units
CCGT1 Units 1 -
CCGT1 Max Capacity 320 MW
CCGT1 Heat Rate 7.9 GJ/MWh

Emission.Generators Property Value Units
"NOx" Generators "CCGT1" Production Rate 1.25 kg/MWh

Setting Emission Production Using Load Points and Bands

PLEXOS allows you to set emission production values using the Load Point and Production Rate properties. It is important to note that PLEXOS does not create an interpolated string of data but treats the settings like blocks.

The limit is "backward facing" for the following setting PLEXOS will allocate emission rates as follows:

PLEXOS will allocate the emissions as follows:

Note: The last block includes the value of Max Capacity of the generator. If this block is not included, no emission will be allocated for that block.

See also: