Emission Fuels Production Rate

Units:kg/GJ (Metric), lb/MMBtu (U.S. Imperial)
Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Emissions produced per unit of energy

Emission Fuels Production Rate defines the rate of emission production as a function of Fuel consumption (Offtake) and may include both the direct emissions from burning of the fuel as well as emissions associated with mining/extracting/transporting the fuel.


Generator Property Value Units
CCGT1 Units 1 -
CCGT1 Max Capacity 320 MW
CCGT1 Heat Rate 7.9 GJ/MWh

Assume Generator "CCGT1" uses Fuel "Gas" with:

Emission.Fuels Property Value Units
"CO2" Fuels "Gas" Production Rate 68.4 kg/GJ

Then 1 megawatt of Generation from "CCGT1" will produce 68.4 × 7.9 = 540.36 kg of "CO2".

See also: