Facility Min Operating Level Global

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:If [Min Operating Level/Factor] applies across all units at the Facility or unit-by-unit

Facility Min Operating Level Global controls how Min Operating Level and Min Operating Factor should be interpreted. It can take the following values:

False (value = 0, default)

The Min Operating Level or Min Operating Factor (whichever is defined) apply to each of the Units individually. Thus when the facility is dispatched, the minimum production is:
Min Operating Level × Units Operating; or
Min Operating Factor × Max Operating Level × Units Operating

True (value = -1)

The Min Operating Level or Min Operating Factor (whichever is defined) apply to total Installed Capacity regardless of the number of Units that make up that capacity. Thus when the facility is dispatched, the minimum production is:
Min Operating Level; or
Min Operating Factor × Installed Capacity

Setting Min Operating Level Global to true changes the way the simulator models unit commitment. The commitment is 'facility-wide' not 'unit-by-unit'. This affects many aspects of the formulation including start up and shutdown, ramping constraints and the production efficiency function.