Flow Path Bundle Size

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Size of bundles flowed on the Flow Path

Flow Path Bundle Size constrains the Flow on the path to be in multiples of the given size.

Table 1: Bundle Size Example
Flow Path Property Value Units
Source.to.Sink Flow Charge 1 $
Source.to.Sink Bundle Size 25 -
Source.to.Sink Max Flow 550 -
Source.to.Sink Min Flow 0 -

For the example in Table 1, the Flow can take values 0, 25, 50, 75, ... up to the maximum flow of 550.

Note that if the flow limits (Max Flow and Min Flow) are not a multiple of Bundle Size the flow will be capped at the highest multiple of Bundle Size less than the limit.