Flow Path Class

Description:A path in a flow network

See also Flow Path Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

Related Classes: Commodity, Flow Network, Flow Node, Flow Storage.


Flow Path objects work as the links between Flow Node objects to represent a Flow Network.

How to Use Flow Path

The following is a basic guide to using Flow Path:

  1. Create your Flow Network object to contain the Flow Nodes
  2. Create your Flow Node objects and add the Flow Nodes to the Flow Network
  3. Create your Flow Path objects and for each set the Flow Node From and Flow Node To memberships to define the notional 'forward' direction of the path
  4. Decide if your Flow Path is bi-directional or uni-directional by setting Max Flow and Min Flow appropriately.
Table 1 outlines the function of class of object that connects to Flow Node.

Features of Flow Path

Flow Path objects can represent uni-directional or bi-directional flows, but are bi-directional by default. To define a uni-directional flow, set up the Flow Node From and Flow Node To memberships in the correct direction and set Max Flow equal to the maximum flow allowed and set Min Flow zero.

Flows on the path can be continuous or in discrete 'bundles' as defined by the Bundle Size property.

Flows can be subject to losses as determined by the Efficiency property.


See the example in the Flow Network topic.

Constraints and Objectives

You can define custom constraints on Flow Node via the Constraints membership. The Objectives membership allows you to include Flow Path coefficients in your multi-objective optimization problems.

Capacity Expansion

Flow Path supports expansion in LT Plan. The key input properties are Max Units Built and Build Cost and optionally FO&M Charge. Expansion costs can be treated as a lump sum or automatically annualized by defining WACC and Economic Life. Units can be built from Project Start Date or immediately if this not defined. Other available constraints related to expansion are:

Retirement occurs automatically after the Technical Life. Retirements can be optimized if you define Max Units Retired and will incur a Retirement Cost.