Fuel Unit

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Description:Unit the fuel is measured in

Fuel Unit sets the unit that applies to the input properties such as Price, Max Offtake, etc.

If the Fuel Unit is not set, the default unit is read from the settings in the Units of Data page of the Settings menu available from the ribbon in the GUI. The default units are:

Property type Metric Imperial US
Fuel consumption by period giga-Joule (GJ) million British Thermal Units (MMBtu)
Fuel price $/GJ $/MMBtu
Fuel consumption in summary periods tera-Joule (TJ) billion British Thermal Units (BBTU)

If Fuel Unit is set, you may select any one of a wide range of supported units. Refer to Commodity Unit for a list of units. Note that only a subset are relevant for Fuel Unit.

Unit works with Energy Density to determine the heat value of the fuel for use in the simulation.


Fuel Unit Energy Density ( MJ )
Biomass kg 16
Coal t 24000
Gas - 0
Oil bbl 0

Fuel Property Value Data File Units
Biomass Price 0.5
Coal Price 150
Gas Price 8
Oil Price 80

In this example: