Generator Load Following Factor

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Regression factor for proportional load following

Generator Load Following Factor is the regression factor for the Proportional Load Following (PLF) hydro method.

This method implements the hydro modelling method adopted by the TEPPC in the WECC and is described in the documentation for their 2012 studies. They define the generation in any period 'G' as follows:

G = Gbar + (L - Lbar)/Lbar × K × Gbar Gmin ≤ G ≤ Gmax


The method 'fixes' part or all of a generator's output to a pre-determined value by making its generation follow a given shape, which typically is a load profile but could be any series.

The method has three parameters:

Load Following Profile
The profile ('L') to follow.
Load Following Factor
The 'K' factor which controls how closely generation follows the 'L' the Load Following Profile.
Price Following
The proportion of energy optimized, where the remainder is proportional load following.


In the below example 50% of the available energy of the "HYDRO" generator will be dispatched to follow the shape defined with a factor of 0.7 in terms of how it reacts to changes in that shape.

Child ObjectPropertyValueData FileUnitsBand
HYDROMax Capacity Factor Month40%1
HYDROPrice Following50%1
HYDROLoad Following Profile0LOADMW1
HYDROLoad Following Factor0.7MW1

The PLF method requires that a generator is energy constrained and supports generators that define any of the following:

Note that if you set Price Following = 0 then all energy is load following and thus the related energy constraint is disabled which means you can run shorter optimization steps.